Below you will find everything that you need to know / learn about your Squarespace website, from general use and page updates, to official launch. We’ve organized everything step by step, and would encourage you to follow in that order. If you do so, everything will unfold in a way that’s easier to understand. Also note that although this looks like a lot, Squarespace is easy once you’ve gotten the hang of it. :)
Get Situated
01. Watch “general” tutorial video: In order to understand the basic user interface of Squarespace, I have created a “general” video walkthrough for you to watch right here. This step is IMPORTANT, so please do not skip, as it sets the stage for future tutorial videos that are specific to your website.
Finalize / Update Content
* The following few steps are going to walk you through every single page of your website, teaching you how to edit and / or make updates. These videos WILL NOT make full sense unless you have already watched the “general video walkthrough” from above. Because some of the following videos contain a lot of explanation, I would suggest tackling 1-2 pages per day as you prep your website for launch. Also know that you can re-watch (or fast forward through) them whenever you would like if you forget something or get stuck.
02. Finalize home page: Your home page has a few sections that need to be finalized before launch: the main banner, the photo of your travel kit, and any small copy updates you’d like to make. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your home page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
03. Prepare health guide products: To load your health guides into e-commerce, there’s three steps that you’ll need to follow for each guide. 1) Create health guide using provided InDesign template. 2) Create a new product. 3) Add title / price / description / downloadable pdf / images to health guide product page. I’ve created a video right here that will walk you through the entire process. Be patient! This will probably take you the most time out of any page. But once you get the hang of each step, it’ll start to go faster.
04. Finalize health guides landing page: Your health guides landing page doesn’t really have much you need to do other than update the photo of your travel kit, as well as any small copy updates you’d like to make. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to this page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
05. Prepare travel kit product: To load your health kit into e-commerce, you’ll need to change update a few informational pieces for the product itself: title / price / description / product images. I’ve created a video right here that will walk you through the entire process.
06. Finalize travel kit landing page: Your travel kit landing page doesn’t really have much you need to do other than update the photos of your travel kit, as well as any small copy updates you’d like to make. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to this page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
07. Prepare e-commerce settings: In terms of managing an e-commerce website, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the backend. I’ve created a short video that walks you through the e-commerce settings right here. Before you launch, you will also want to make sure you setup your payment processing and shipping options. If you don’t, you’re shop won’t function, so this is important! Also note that Squarespace has TONS of e-commerce related documentation on their website if you run into any issues. You can access everything right here and use the left sidebar to navigate to whatever you need.
08. Finalize about page: Your about page doesn’t require any further editing before launch, unless you have any updates to copy. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your about page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
09. Finalize services page: Your services page doesn’t require any further editing before launch, unless you have any updates to copy. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your about page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
10. Prepare blog: Before you launch, you’ll want to 1) delete placeholder blog posts and 2) create new blog posts. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your blog preparation and publishing process right here. It will show you how to create new posts from start to finish!
11. Finalize contact page: Your contact page doesn’t require any further editing before launch, unless you have any updates to copy. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your about page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
12. Finalize customer care and terms pages: Your customer care page and terms page both need final copy before launch. I have created a tutorial video that’s specific to your about page right here. It will show you how to update the entire page, as well as the areas that need to be finalized before launch.
16. Launch website: Your website is currently using a “coming soon” page as the home page, so the ONLY thing you have left to do before launch is make your real home page the actual home page. To do this, follow the steps in this quick video. Then you’ll be all set! Congrats in advance … I can’t wait to see how Paseo grows from here. :) :)
If you have any other questions that come up, I would encourage you to re-watch whatever video (from above) your question is about. If that doesn’t cover it, Squarespace has a wonderful support center right here.